My older son has been playing soccer since he was four. This weekend took us to Rockford, IL for a placement tournament. I did not know that Soccer was as popular here as in Missouri. We are so proud of him. He is a pretty great player. We had three games today and three more games tomorrow.
I wish I had all his energy.
Soccer, soccer, soccer! Been to Rockford for soccer...know that field! Yes, my daughter also has been playing since she was 4- usually all year round(she's 14). Soccer is a way of life for us...isn't it fun?! Wofuldn't have it any other way!
I used to live at the soccer field....both as a coach, which I did for years and as a mother while both kids played....especially my daughter who was on a travel team for 3 did we ever put miles on our cars and spent money like it was water, on hotel rooms...oh those were the good days....lots of great memories !!!
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