we were taking a drive today just to kill some time and I asked my hubby... will I be 39 or 40 soon?
he reminded me right away that I will be 40 in a few months. I really don't see myself being 40. At least mentally I don't...
time flies, I thought.
who would of thought or at least long ago 40 for me was so far in the future and now it's right around the corner. time to start crack a lackin and doing things I have always wanted to. no time to leave everything for the future.
it's time to start enjoying everything.... every minute of every day.
no regrets from now on. time to start making the right choices. the time is now - not later.
It can be a little scary to think about time and how quickly it passes. I agree; enjoy and be thankful for every moment!
It's great to see your beautiful Christmas still life photos.
I'm chronologically 46...but mentally I'm 17 :)
I like the looks of your blog!
Well said...and 40 isn't so bad. I try everyday to convince my mind of this. I still see myself as a young 20 something, oh those were the days, but these are so much better!!
You go girl:D.............
I am not too far from 40 and I am surprised at how much it is bothering me. Oh well. It is most definitely better than the alternative.
40's a little scary but once you get past it things are fine! I've gotten to the point where I truly forget how old I am. I also can't seem to remember what I had for breakfast but I can remember stuff from high school and college easily! Mental age is so much more important than chronological age and your boys will keep you young!
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