Thank you so much Denise for this premio.
My blog has never been honored with an award before.
I would love to award this to the following women that inspire me everyday.
All the links are on my side bar. Sorry that I am not computer savvy so please click on the links to my blogs right to check out these wonderful places.
The list is as follows:
- Linda Harre from Studio Stuff
- Beth from Doors are everywhere. Open them
- Patti from Creative Cottage Dreamer
- Corey from RocK paPer SciSsOrs (a wonderful store in Old St. Charles, MO)
Missy and Carol Mollica I would award this to you as well, but I believe that Denise has already done so.
Denise you know how I feel about you. YOU are one of my favorite artists. Anything you create always turns our wonderfully artistic. YOU ROCK GIRL!
Please visit Denise Lombardozzi at Firstborn Studio Journal to see her wonderfully artisitc BLOG!
Thanks again Denise - Hugggggs and Kisssses to you.......
Angelica~ Thank you SOOO much for the award~ it is truly appreciated, as are you! I continue to be amazed, dazzled, and inspired by all the talented, creative people out there and am thrilled to have taken the plunge and started my blog. Thanks again- this means a lot to me!!
you are so sweet !!! This is my third blog award in 3 weeks and I must say...I feel honored.
I have yet to pass the award on, as I'm a big chicken and so afraid of hurting someones feelings by leaving them out, but with that said...I'm going to try to do it this time !!
Thanks again.....for liking me and what I do....and isn't this huge wonderful blog family of ours just the most fun ???
How SWEET of you!!!!! With all those wonderful blogs out there, this gift is genuinely appreciated:D I always appreciate your support so lovingly given! THANK YOU ANGIE!!! Love, Linda
you so deserve this recognition,i am happy to be the one to get to bestow it upon you!
i deleted the 1st comment,i was signed on with the rps blog...
so sorry!
love you,
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