Saturday, February 7, 2009

I hope all is going well for you this weekend. WOW what a surprise today to see the sun shinning brightly again and our snow here in IL is almost all gone. You might think that spring is just around the corner.

I don't know about you, but by this time I am itching to get myself back into flea market mode. I know next weekend here in Wheaton there will be an antique/indoor flea market so I do plan on attending if I can.

Soccer season is about to begin. So you know where I will be for the next couple months. Plus, in the middle of April I am on my way to BLOOMINGTON, IL for two whole weeks of claim processor training. Two whole weeks without my kids and my hubby. What will I do with myself? I won't know how to act....

I don't know if I mentioned before, but on my way home from work I always pass up a GOOD WILL. I have found a few things there. Not that much, but good enough. It's funny because this past week I stopped on Thursday and Friday right after work. Funny why? I ran into the same gentlemen on Thursday and Friday at around the same time and doing the same thing - looking around while talking on the phone. We kept bumping into each other. Don't think he noticed me, but I just find it interesting that I saw him there both days doing the same things - kind of like de-ja-vous. I was trying to take a peek to see what he was buying. Vintage stuff I noticed. He was picking up the same stuff I was looking at. I wonder if he is an antique dealer or sells at the flea. Could be I suppose. I wonder if I go tomorrow if I will run into him again. When I got home yesterday I got a flyer in the mail anouncing the grand opening of a Good Will in Carol Stream. Have to google that to see if it's close by. I don't worry to much about the drive because I will drive anywhere. Okay ya'll it was nice visiting for a few minutes. My day is never done. I have tons of washing to do.

You all take care and I will write more later.

Patti - your box will be on it's way. It's ready to be mailed.


Anonymous said...

Love your photo! Hope you had a nice weekend too!

Patti said...

Hi~ Thanks! ooo- fun- can't wait! Glad you found a fun place to stop on the way home from work. My fun place is Hobby Lobby but I always spend money there. Have a great day!


Relyn Lawson said...

So? Since you will drive anywhere... when are you headed to the Springfield-Branson area? Let me know when you are in town so we can do lunch. I mean it.

Patti said...

Hi again! I forgot to say last time that I would LOVE time in Bloomington! I went to Illinois State in Normal and miss it very much!I could see myself living in Normal- no problem. Bloomington Normal has changed a lot since I was there but there are some neat places and great picture taking opportunities too! Also- I'm with you- I LOVE to drive (and prefer to drive and take off the map roads and stop at out of the way places) and really enjoy road trips so...we should drive and go visit Relyn! LOL

Relyn Lawson said...

That image is really, really lovely. Just gorgeous. Please tell me you have a laptop. We don't want to go two weeks without hearing from you.

Relyn Lawson said...

I know I've been before. I just had more to say.