I loved attending auctions and estate sales in MO. When I left MO the auctions at my local VFW hall was something I was definitely going to miss. Well to my surprise today, I was able to attend. I went home, kissed the hubby and young one good bye took my older son with me and there we were a few minutes late, but enjoying the auction.
I just enjoy watching the people that attend and seeing what they end up with. I did bid on a few things and left around 9:00. They were still going when I left and still had tons more stuff to auction off.
I can't wait to make this a habit. I will try to be good I promise. I made a few absentee bids before I left. Not sure if I will win, but that is okay. There is always this coming Sunday or next Wednesday.
Peace to you,
Just me
Too bad we don't live closer... I could send Cat Daddy with you. Nothing makes him happier than sitting or standing at an auction!
Just be sure to not bid on a drill thinking it's a quilt(I did that once, but only once)! Debbie
I love auctions too!!!! You can get addicted to those things pretty quick!!!!~
Hi! How fun!!! I have never been to an auction but have always wanted to go. I have an uncle up in WI who was actually an auctioneer. Anyway- glad you found it and I am sure you'll be a "frequent flyer" there.
I grew up going to auctions. Love 'em! Don't have the occasion to go so frequently now (nor the money!)...enjoy! ~Mindy
Hi from St Louis!
I used to live near Bloomington, Illinois a long time ago and I pass by it every time I drive to see my folks off Rte 39. I do believe there are a few antique malls that you are probably aware of off 55 in a strip mall. I also think there's a flea market every few Sunday's somewhere in Bloom/Normal. Hopefully you'll be there when it's held.
Take care,
Hi there! I live very close to where you lived in MO and wondered which VFW auctions you really enjoyed here? I have thrifts/fleas covered, but have a hard time finding a good auction. Thanks for your help.
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