wow June is here and there is so much going on this month.
My long awaited trip to visit my mother's hometown in Mexico has now been canceled. I was going to be gone from work for two weeks... no postponement just canceled completely.
the neck problem gets worse and I am finally being referred to see a neurologist.... what does that mean I really don't know... but hopefully whatever it is it will at least help with the pain and maybe not so many pills will be a popping.. I am starting to feel like a druggie.
I still will be taking a few days off here and there in June to spend time with my boys. They have been dying to go to the pool.... NO I DON'T do pools myself but I can at least hang out with them as they enjoy the water....
Hopefully the zoo is in the works Brookfield zoo that is as it's much closer then Lincoln park zoo. Lincoln park zoo brings back memories that I would rather forget anyways.... YES another long Angie story...
I am also dying to go to Bloomington to visit their flea on the 20th - oh wait a minute is that not father's day....... oh shoot..... I think that is... that might need to be cancelled as I will need to be here to be with my dear father..... Oh really gotta check into the dates on that one...
oh and the little angry boy on the top pic upset that I won't let him ride his bike on the street alone.
Sorry Buddie your tooo young and I am tooo over protective....
Don't forget this weekend is the Kane County flea.... I work Sat and not sure if I can attend on Sunday.... so as you can see JUNE is here and will be gone in no time.
Peace to ya and have a great weekend.
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