so I went to see my counselor today and before I left I stated I thought now that I am in my 40s everything in my life should be set or at least the discovery of self should of been done by now. She stated that she believes we never stop discovering who we are....
I told her that I honestly feel that ever since I moved back and turned 40 something happened to me... sometimes I feel like I am becoming someone else or sometimes I feel like I am trying to find myself. In my mind, like I stated before that should of been done back in my 20s and maybe 30s but not at this point in my life.
She then stated maybe I am discovering that at this point in my life I am standing up for who I truly am.. what I believe in and what I like...
okay that kind of made sense... maybe I am not having an identity crisis maybe finally I am learning how to be ME.
Maybe I am finally accepting who I am and I am just trying to show others my true self...
ahhhhh an awakening - all along I was thinking I was going through some sort of mid life crisis... maybe finally I am really digging who I am and what I stand for... even though others might not like the person I have become it's time that they accept it or they just need to move on.... wow did that come out of me......
I agree with her........at 68 I am still discovering who I am:D We grow, change, develop and mature the entire time we are on this planet! With new and different circumstances facing us everyday, we must adjust and find our comfort zone. That doesn't stop in our 20's....it continues until we leave this beautiful life:D Hold on tight...there is so much more to discover:D Love, L.
If everything were "set" by a certain age. It would be kind of boring don't you think. Here's to the unknown!
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