so this is what I got myself for my
b-day... I loved it when I first saw it especially because of the acorn and owl charm.... I have an owl that visits the tree in my yard... seriously..... I know you don't believe me...
I am doing better today, I will have to be honest that I did have a panic attack yesterday... I knew it was coming I just didn't know when it was going to hit and it finally did.
it was not as bad as the first one I had years ago where I ended up in the hospital, but I did get a few co workers scared... and of course it happened at work...NOT GOOD.... so now I have made doc appts and I will actually meet with a lady named Claire that does energy healing .... I am open to anything at this point. Don't want the anxiety to start taking such a strong hold on me....that is why sometimes I force myself to do stuff that I really do not want to do because I can tell how it has been acting up lately...
okay well I made it today without anything crazy going on with my health... neck is killing me but at least I did not loose it today like I did yesterday...
take care...
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