Tuesday, January 27, 2009

YES no pictures, it's my jobs fault


my oh my it has been a while. I have missed you all. I have to apologize that I disappeard for some time, but my new job is kicking me in the butt.... what I really mean is that I am BLESSED to have a job even though it's making my brain work at 100%. Brain cells now regenerating....

This week I am learning CAR parts, YES car parts inside and out. FOR EXAMPLE what the engine consists of, spark plugs, quarter panels, pistons, cylinders, engine block, oil pan, internal combustion, would you like me to keep on going..... okay I will stop. OF course they will be testing us this Friday..... Did I mention that I am not a reader and NOW I am having to learn everything about what a CAR consists of.... I need to laugh to stop myself from crying of boredom.

BUT, I am blessed to have a job. I am blessed to have a job. So if you ladies out there or gents want to know about car ornamentation, grilles, quarter wheelhouses you know where you can find me. I will be happy to discuss this fun stuff with you.

Peace to you...... I promise that I will be back soon with more interesting stuff other then my work life... I just really need to pass this test on Friday.

Peace to you all....



Zita - Mlle Magpie said...

Hey, good luck on learning your car parts - do they expect you to know how to fix them too?!!!:) But you're right, job, job is good.

trash talk said...

Hey, look at it this way. No mechanic will ever be able to put one over you telling you that your fluff regenerator needs to be replaced! On the test Friday, will you be sure and ask what the firing order is on a 1968 chevy 350 engine? For whatever reason, my daddy made me learn that. Debbie

Mindy said...

I imagine that I would be soooo lost! Good to hear from you. Happy test day! ~Mindy

Patti said...

Hi! Good luck on your test tomorrow!! Think of all that important knowledge that you will come away with! LOL! I am sure you are looking forward to Friday and the weekend. I hope you have something wonderfully fun planned!

Take care~Patti