Saturday, March 28, 2009

today..... if you stop and think about it just for a second you will realize that there will never be another day in your life like today. NEVER!

yes, maybe down the line there will be a moment that reminds you of TODAY, but it will never be the same.

You might not wake up at the same time, or smell the air just like Today.

Today has not been a sunny day.... when I looked out the window a few minutes ago it was raining. feeling blue I guess. I picked up the remains of my dog in a white plastic bag. the same little dog that I took in - flesh and blood - his ashes nicely placed in a plastic bag.

WOW! what an awakening..... the girl just looked at me when she handed him to me. what was she thinking at that very moment in time? I am sure as soon as I left she forgot about me and the little white plastic bag that she handed to me. out of her life forever. our paths just crossed for a moment in time.

Today (this very minute) will never come again....poof see how fast it came and went...

As I am getting older I am figuring out who I am becoming. Do I like who I am? NOT SURE....

sometimes I do, sometimes I am not sure. What I believe in? is it right or wrong?

I asked someone very close to me yesterday if she knew what the definition of friendship was? I thought I did, but that definition is MY definition - what it means to me.... not sure what friendship means to all of you..... WE ARE ALL UNIQUE and because of that uniqueness we will always see everything a bit different. Am I loosing it today, maybe just a bit. Maybe everything I believe in is all in my mind. I believe it's right, but someone might just think it's wrong.

I guess I am getting to deep here, maybe that is why I try to keep this blog so simple because if I let you see to much of me You might just never come by again. I like to call myself eccentric. I like that word.... and maybe just maybe.... I might be the simplest person you will ever meet in your life...

so TODAY & just for TODAY only - I will show my vulnerability because there will never be another day like TODAY!


anythinggoeshere said...

All there is is NOW...always NOW! xo Joan

Patti said...

Wow- great post- it really got me thinking. And you are right- ther will never be another moment like this one. Deep thoughts to ponder on such a depressing weather evening, right? My heart goes out to you about picking up your dog's remains- as I glance at our 3 little boxes we have on the shelf where I am. It's sad, poignant and so much of life sometimes I can't stand it. And about THAT I don;t know what to believe! So there's MY vulnerabilty, but I know you already know that about me. Take care...and enjoy NOW!

Patti said...

sorry about the typos- I got caught up in the moment and forgot to check for them...oops!

beth said...

it's okay to feel the way you're feeling and to share it with us...we all have our moments like that and "deep" is good !!!

and the ashes....sorrry, I don't want to go there....too sad !

Zita - Mlle Magpie said...

Cloudy today, and that's ok. Maybe a bit of sun by tomorrow...maybe.

Michel said...

I loved your Sunday post and I want you to know that many of us feel the way you do, Angie. Thank you for the courageous expression of your thoughts.

Love, Michel

Anita said...

So true...I have thought that too recently...maybe it is my age...or remaking my life after the divroce...picking myself up, dusting myself off and deciding where I want to go....Being introspective is something I think people need to do more of- thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

friends know all about you and love you just the same, they are there through good, bad, happy, sad. There is nothing that I would not do for my friends short of endangering myself or them. Friends keep nothing from each other and share everything, they are slow to anger and quick to forgive, they love, laugh, share, enjoy, listen , give advice, take advice, hug, comfort, trust, support, and most of all friends are special people sent from God to share our lives.