I would say that between pics and milk glass, it would be close in the running as to which is my
mostest (mostest made up word?) favorite.
I hope you all had a wonderful weekend looks
like tomorrow is Monday again and I am off to... don't' say it, don't say it - okay work. Training in Bloomington is just around the corner and soon I will be celebrating my 40th b-day. ME 40 no not me! Yes you the big 4-0. Wow time flies when you are having fun doesn't it. Oh by the way did you hear that 40 is the new 20..... NAW JUST KIDDING, I made that up. Oh well life goes on and we need to enjoy every minute of it.
Peace to you my friends and hopefully I will see ya all during the week. If not see ya next weekend.
Just ME
I love milk glass too. Your old photos look so lovely in the bowl. BTW, I hear 50 is the new 30 on Karla's blog (Karla's cottage), so you can't be too off with the 40 being the new 20 or so.
Love the pics! Is your training in Bloomington next weekend? Fred's thoughts will be with you. He still talks about those 2 weeks so many,many,many years later. xo Joan
I'm a big fan of milk glass too...it just looks so clean!
Don't fret 40, it really is the best time ever. I'd kill to be back in my 40's. It's the 50's when things start expiring and sliding down! Debbie
Hi Angie,
My sympathies to you on the loss of your dear little puppy. I know it's a terrible shock and you will miss him.
Your milk glass collection is so pretty. You heard correctly - we had a lovely weather week here in MO. Love, Michel
Hi~ Hope you had a great weekend! So when is the Big 4-0??? Is it in March? March is a wonderful month for birthdays (lol)Love the milk glass pictures; so pretty. Have a good week
So sorry to hear about your dog. But wanted to also wish you a happy birthday. What is the actual date? xo -- Sandy, rhubarb reign
Angie................40!!!!!!! You do still look 20!!!!! Happy Birthday girl. Hope to see you in May at the sweet little fair in ILL.
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