THANK YOU so much for all your comments on Papash. I totally appreciate it. I know he is better off, but his loss is still a shock. I expect someone to say SIKE here he is.
so tell me what are you up to? another, I believe, nice weekend.
I think there might be something going on in St. Charles, but I need to google and find out.
I leave to Bloomington in two weeks. I am hoping that maybe I can get away to MO for a weekend. Would love to go to OLD ST. Charles and I heard that the weather in MO is georgeous.
I have to take a few pics of some milk glass pieces I just acquired and also two weeks ago I won a box of german vintage ornaments that I need to take pics of.
I am dreaming of Spring again. Okay my boys are calling. Promised a run to the library and Target. We love Target do you?
Hey don't be shy leave me a comment if you would like. I see I have a visitor from Lombard which is not that far from me. Tell me who you are. I love to meet people. I won't bite I promise. Maybe Papash would have, but not me.
Peace to you and thanks again for visiting.
Hi!! Glad you are up and about! We are looking for something to do so thanks for the heads up about St. Charles... anything else going on? Hope you have a great day- btw- I LOVE Target too but restrict myself from going there. I swear I am charged 100.00 for just going through the door!
Hi again~ When you mentioned St. Charles I didn't know if you meant Mo or IL, but I googled St. Charles and this is what I found! It sounds very cool so I think we're going. Thanks for the idea!
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