Monday, November 22, 2010

this post goes out to my cousin Yoli that was so nice enough yesterday to come all the way to where I live and drop off some face wash that she so generously gave to me and also brought me a home baked pumpkin pie...

the weather has been so winter like - gloomy and rainy.
I don't do great in this weather. yesterday was a very lonely day and my nerves were totally 100% up.
You know like the days where you just don't want to be even around yourself. I got in my car and drove around and decided that I needed to do something I had not done for a while. I ended up at an antique mall on Lagrange. I then called her up and she had come out to see me.... so I left the mall and speed to where she was at we had a nice dinner and hung out for a bit.

Yolanda I just want to thank you for coming by and doing something so nice like bringing that pie to me all out of your way. What a kind thing to do and I appreciate it totally. I did put whip cream on it just like you suggested and it tastes great. Thanks so much... Many blessings to you cousin. If I was upset yesterday it was not at you... I hope you understand.


Patti said...

Hi~ How about the weather the last few days- thought of you and then I saw your post about it. I know those lonely day feelings all too well. Hope things are better for you! Oh and LOVE the boots!!!I am wishing you a holiday filled with abundance and gratitude and some peace to reflect on it all!!! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving~~~

Rebecca said...

Hi Sweetie
Many blessings to you this Thanksgiving day, I hope today is much better...
How was the antique mall in LaGrange? Your photography is always inspiring.