Wednesday, November 24, 2010

pic taken two years ago.....

Whoever you are

Whatever you do

Whomever you are with

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving day tomorrow.

Give thanks for even the smallest of blessings, a smile from a stranger, a parking space right by the front door as it's raining, someone letting you in in front of them during rush hour....

all of these are blessings even though small.

I will be spending the HOLIDAY with my parents I am so Thankful that I still have them in my life.

Many blessings to you and yours!


lindaharre said...

Happy Thanksgiving sweetie:D Hope you make wonderful memories!

Relyn Lawson said...

Hello, my friend. It's Thanksgiving Day today and I wanted to stop by and wish all my friends the happiest day. I wanted to tell you that when I count my blessings, you will be among them. Thank you for adding to the richness of my experience in the blog world. Your blog is a wonderful place for me to visit. Thank you for that. Happy, happy Thanksgiving.