so today.......
I had a nice lunch today with a friend from work.... we discussed
topic: following our dreams
he has decided to leave the company to do something greater with his life.
I honestly am happy for him he is at a good age where he has no commitments and he can do as he pleases... follow your dreams man this is the best time to do it. he has no fear and I am sure he will do well.... he is very talented, loves music and hopefully down the line he will do something grand with his dreams.
we discussed my blog, he gave me his advise trying to push me to follow my dreams... I promised him that hopefully one day, and one day soon, I will try to do something wonderful with my photography... another topic that came up was my blog. Sometimes I wonder if what I write about is something that I should be sharing.... I mean my anxiety issues, my health issues, my feelings that sometimes come out when I am posting and regret the next day..... BUT HONESTLY that is who I am... I am not always on the up and up... people that have anxiety or deal with DEPRESSION would understand... honestly this is not something I woke up one day wanting in my life... it's either something I have had to deal with for a very long time or it started a few years back. Am I embarrassed about it NOT ANY MORE....... I have learned to accept it. what else can I do... it makes me who I am... it's a part of me that for some reason was put in my path for whatever reason... I have promised myself to no longer regret when I post what I feel. I am so tired of hiding who I am and making believe that everything is GREAT everyday cause in my head and in my life not every day is the same..... don't get me wrong DEPRESSION SUCKS ANXIETY SUCKS but that's life right............. we all have our FREAKIN issues......
so starting today anything I post here comes from the heart, will NEVER EVER BE REGRETTED again.........
Thanks Hunter for the great pep talk....... since I am way older then you...... I should be giving you the pep talk and I think I did..... here's to you and your dreams.......
More people relate to you than you can ever know, Angie and we love you for your honesty and for you!
I read your blog religously. Why? Because you are YOU! I too, suffer from depression. After a few years I was happy to talk to anyone about it and taking meds. Depression is a health issue. Health issues are dealt with many things, medicine included. If I didn't take my meds...Well, it would be CrAzY! Embrace yourself and just be you!
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