we all have issues right and as human beings we always will....
I guess in my life, my issue is TRUST....
honestly do I really like that word?
sometimes I wish I could just hide under a shell and just stay there and not deal with people. not sure if you have felt like this at one time or another.
who can you really trust now a days, even people that you care about sometimes disappoint.
believe me I have been through some major disappointments in my life especially by people that I truly cared about and really trusted... so in a way the word TRUST is not a word I really like at all.
a good friend of mine told me today that I just need to look for that person - YOU WILL FIND THAT PERSON ANGIE! Really and when? Do I have to go through a few people at a time and examine them before I find those individuals that I can really trust. wish LIFE was a bit easier.
right about now living on GILIGANS island sounds good to me! gosh if I was there would I really want to find a way back to civilization?
so today is another day, get up, dust yourself off Angie and just continue the journey, put that smile on your face and let everyone believe that you are always calm and collected....
don't let them see that sometimes your insides are unraveled like the black string in the picture above!
we want to see the unraveled insides that look like the black string...
that's how we know you are real and alive !
hugs to you and thank you for your kind words !!
Have you been living my life lately??? I have been having the most major trust issue for the past 5 months or so- not solved anytime soon either. So I know exactly what you mean. Some days do look so inviting viewed from under a shell- but like Beth said- we are real and alive and not without issues. I hope you find peace~
I don't know if trust is the right word or not, but I know what you are going through I think. For me, it's thinking certain people will be there when I need them, but when the times comes...they are just too busy. I've learned who to believe in and who not to...doesn't mean I don't want them in my life just that I know what they are and are not capable of and accepting it.
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