Saturday, September 19, 2009

In my own skin

okay so here goes, this is always on my mind and it's about time I come out and share this....

I decided to take a few pics, SELF portraits...

am I happy in my own skin? sometimes. I am not a thin girl and never have been. I guess you can call me a big boned girl.

I have struggled with my weight for many years, gain loose gain.... it's a see saw game.... this is year has been the gain year. stress, the move to Illinois, boredom, struggles with my own thoughts.

I will be honest I am a good eater, not pickey at all. love the carbs! so the reason why I took these pics is that at 40 it's time to either start digging myself for who I am or start being a bit healthier.

I am so tired of feeling bad about my weight.

so here I am all of me.... yes in BLACK of course, not because it hides my love handles, BLACK because it's also one of my favorite colors....

I am not saying that there will be no more eating, of course not I love a good breakfast, a good meal, my mother's cooking you know what I mean. I just wanted to share with you that I am who I am, chunky, big boned, whatever you want to call me..... I am who I am.



Rebecca said...

Well I just want to say you look very beautiful to me just the way you if you feel you should work on being healthy that is a good thing but as far as being comfortable in your own skin is concerned I think that is come with maturity and wisdom.

The Whispering Creek House said...

I think your so pretty! But I know how ya feel! So tired of being self critical and wearing black alllll the time! My kids always ask; why do you always wear black mom? They almost fall over if I wear a color!lol...I would like to overhaul my thinking and step out too but its so frightening! I am also in a place of starting..maybe today..thanks for the post!

Anonymous said...

Oh Angie, You are so beautiful! I know it's all about how you feel in your own skin, but from the outside looking in I think you're amazing!


Michel said...

Girl, you're gorgeous-inside and out! Repeat that to yourself as needed.
By the way, I just turned 5-0. Yikes!

Anita said...

I think you are sooo pretty...but I am in the same place...and decided I need to do something to lose these cheeks...who still has chubby cheeks like this at 41? So many times I say I would do something if I were thinner- wear a bikini, a sewuin gown, maybe get married again, etc. Well, time to put up or shut up. So here it goes.

Patti said...

Your pictures are gorgeous! And I love this post! And we all love who you there!